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October General Meeting

Below are the minutes from the general meeting held on October 4, 2021.

1. Call to Order - Recorded meeting will be posted on Facebook for a short period of time for your viewing.

2. Special Guests

Mr Giard/Ms Szafron – School Year Kickoff

- Opening has been busy, many of the same COVID guidelines have been kept in place. It's been nice to start the year together.

- Open house was well attended and we received positive feedback.

- Thank you to the PTA for presenting at Open House

- Picture day was last Tuesday Retakes will be on Nov. 5th from 3pm to 6pm.

- We are in the second week of the Bolton 300 mural project - all students will have a hand in it. We will showcase it at the October board of education meeting

- October 15th we will have a Fire Prevention program where Bolton Fire Department will be visiting.

- Walk A Thon is coming up on November 4th.

- Raffle for the Adventures in Summer Learning happened today. Thank you to the PTA for your support.

Updates from the Board of Ed -None

4. Board Reports

President’s Report

- Grade Level Liaisons - representative from each grade level

We are looking for someone to help us with our social media accounts - if you are interested please let us know.

VP Report - PTA hosted the back to school luncheon that went over well.

Secretary Report - Nothing to Report

Treasurer Report - See attached report

5. Committee Reports


Looking for ideas from teachers

We will be having a lot of virtual stuff again this year until we can go back to some of the more in person activities.


- Square 1 Art - Ongoing - All of the middle school stuff has gone home already. You will see a reminder in the virtual backpack. Everything will be shipped off by October 22nd. Middle school can hand them in person or virtually.

- Walk-a-Thon Scheduled

Hybrid Virtual/In Person - walk - we are looking for parent volunteers for the morning of November 4th. Let us know if you are interested. Oct 25 – Nov 5

Walk on Nov 4, Rain date Nov 5

- Scholastic Book Fair, Virtual Only, Nov 16 – Nov 29


Raise awareness of our Special Ed program as well as the services that are provided.


The directory is almost finished. Membership purchases are coming in. We are hoping to do a more online presence as well to let people know they can support us in different ways other than just giving time.

Meeting adjourned: Brett made a motion to adjourn and Terri seconded the motion. The motion passes and the meeting adjourned at 7:29pm



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