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February General Meeting

Minutes for February 1, 2021 PTA Meeting

Call to Order - 7:02 pm and Robert’s Rules were read

Public comment - Wendy Pagani: Thank the PTA for donating some enrichment funds so that we could purchase a few websites to help us learn virtually.

Read Across America is coming soon - Wendy Pagani said we did not ask for funds last year but will be asking the PTA to keep it in mind for this year.

Principal’s update - Mr. Giard

  • Thank you for the enrichment funds to help supplement enrichment in the classrooms.

  • Remote learning is going extremely well, and has been a nice addition this year.

  • Staff and students have been doing a great job helping to keep us all safe and follow safety protocols. Everyone has been very cooperative.

  • Starting to look at our summer learning adventures program, would like to see if the PTA would be willing to get involved in helping with that again this year.

  • Brett Gotler informed us that it is in the budget for this year already.

  • Mrs. Szafran spoke to how well the program went last year.

President’s report

BOE Update

  • Budget season starts this month - the board has gotten a bunch of funds from the COVID relief funds twice so far totaling $180,000

  • Now a 1:1 school for computers, will be doing technology replacement cycles (aim for 5 years of use). Each chromebook will travel with that student and it will follow them for those 5 years.

  • Two new teachers started recently, one in art and one in spanish.

  • Approved two new contracts so the teacher’s contract was approved for another 3 years and the bus contract has been approved for another 5 years

  • The Federal Government is providing free breakfast and lunch for all students.

Treasurer’s report - Very little activity, some teacher reimbursements that have come in.

  • Box tops $174 so far this year.

  • Shoparoo for $72

  • Square 1 Art $35

  • We also received funds through Amazon Smile and donations

Committee Updates


  • Has slowed down

  • Plan to type up how to run the membership committee so that the next one to take over will have it all down.


  • Not much to report

  • Approved purchase of websites for teachers

Ways & Means/Fundraising

  • Gala is still on hold

  • Walk A Thon - will revisit in April

  • We have a few questions about the fundraising environment this year. What do people feel about doing online Fundraising? Are we going to get goods to auction off?

  • Concerns about PTA’s financial situation for next year if things don’t change were raised. - Nicole Sullivan

  • Maybe try to do one but not both fundraisers - Christi McFatter

  • Attendance may be an issue at an online auction - Brett Gotler

  • Parents are starting to feel done with fundraisers so maybe we highlight the big ticket items that maybe parents will be more willing to contribute. A no fundraiser fundraiser - Briget Carlson

  • David Bowne said he would prefer just writing a check in lieu of fundraisers.

  • Moving forward we are going to try to do a no fundraiser fundraiser we will look into it and report back at our next meeting.

Additional Comments?

Chris Davey - Career Day, is it going to be happening? Mr. Giard said that perhaps if we do it will be virtual. We will discuss it further.

Are there any plans for class night for 8th grade students? - Mr. Giard said they are discussing it currently and will let us know

Meeting Adjourned - Motion to adjourned by Brett Gotler, Bridget Carlson seconds. Meeting adjourned at 7:40



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